
Sunday School
Currently, we have an adult class and a children's class. We are praying that God will send us Christian individuals who have passion for teaching.  Sunday school is not just for children. We invite you to come and be a part of us!
-Sis. Rhea Goins , Superintendent
-Dea. Andrew Johnson,  Asst. Superintendent/Men Teacher
-Sis. Rosa Singleton - Children's teacher
-Sis. Hattie Harris,  Women Teacher
Bible Study
We offer a very uplifting and exciting Bible study every Wednesday. There is no other Bible study like this. Our Bible study is informative, challenging, interesting, and exciting.

Deacons Ministry
The deacons assist the pastor with the spiritual matters of the church, and baptism.
Deacon Andrew Johnson, Chairman

Deacon Arnold Singleton

Deacon Daniel Irvin

Trustee Ministry
Our trustees handle the business matters of the church, as well as ensuring the church is properly maintained.
-Sis. Sharon Alexander
-Bro. Jerome Myricks
-Sis. Dorothy Mack
-Bro. Tony Stover, Chairman

Music Ministry
Our music ministry is second to none. They provide Spirit filled music that is biblical.
-Bro John Williams

Mission Ministry
The mission ministry is extremely active. They assist with meeting both the spiritual and physical needs of the community.
-Sis. Sharon Nunn-Alexander,  President

Deaconess Ministry
The deaconess prepares the Lord's Supper to be served on the first Sunday, as well as provides ministry to the women, and assists with baptism.
-Sis. Sharon Nunn-Alexander
-Sis. Annie Johnson
-Sis. Rhea Goins

Health Ministry
This ministry ensures that the needs of the pastor and pulpit are taken care of.
-Sis. Brenda Singleton
-Sis. Hattie Harris
Culinary Ministry
This ministry prepares all of the food for our services, with the exception of Sunday school.
-Sis. Verna Paschal,  Chairperson

Usher Ministry
This ministry is instrumental in seating members and guests.
Deacon. Andrew Johnson,  President
  Sis Olivia  Johnson
Sis. Pat Culver
Bro. Mark Culver

Sis. Glenda Marshall


S.W.A.T. (Saints With A Testimony) EVANGELISM